Creation of Companies and Entrepreneurship




EMPLEA Program


Program for the creation and upscaling of new, innovative technology companies


1.- EMPRECAN PLUS (E+) Program


The EMPRECAN PLUS program of subsidies for the creation, growth and consolidation of companies is structured in four essential lines designed to provide a comprehensive response to the needs of new companies during their earliest stages:


Specialised training. Assistance aimed at stimulating and incentivising continuous training programs in areas underserved in traditional learning.


Registration costs. Assistance to facilitate the process for the entrepreneur to create and register their new company.


Start-up costs. Assistance to incentivise the first steps an entrepreneur must take in starting their business.


Fixed assets. Assistance to incentivise entrepreneurs to undertake investment programs in assets for the new company.


2.- EMPLEA Program


The EMPLEA Program offers subsidies to incentivise new companies to recruit employees with fixed contracts and to convert temporary contracts into fixed contracts, actively promoting the industrial development of the region, boosting competitiveness and furthering the economic growth of the Autonomous Community of Cantabria.



3.- Program for the creation and upscaling of new, innovative technology companies


This program is aimed specifically to support and encourage technological innovation and entrepreneurship based on the characteristics of the sector, such as differentiation, scalability, high added-value and highly-skilled employment.


The program for the creation and upscaling of new, innovative technology companies is focussed on innovative technology/digital companies with a high growth potential and scalable business models. The goal is to develop a model for the creation and consolidation of start-ups, including consulting services, financing and recognition.