• Grow in national markets
  • Exporting and internationalisation: Export Cantabria Program
  • Digitalisation and new markets
  • Foment inter-company cooperation and the creation of commercial consortia
  • Contracting of commercial specialist: + Talent Program



1.- Growth in national markets


For many companies, particularly SMEs, entering new markets involves significant changes in the way they operate in many areas of the organisation, overcoming a number of new obstacles and taking on a series of risks for which they may not be fully prepared. These challenges have only intensified with the COVID crisis.


Through the Growth in national markets program, SODERCAN offers support to companies in accessing new national markets, providing financial assistance for the costs involved in product certifications, the search for new clients, participating in trade fairs, etc.


2.- Exporting and internationalisation: Export Cantabria Program


SODERCAN will initiate a new round of subsidies and financial support to help Cantabrian companies access or re-enter new international markets and search for new clients and suppliers. Internationalisation is fundamental to boosting the competitiveness of our economy, ensuing the survival of regional industries and promoting growth by offering a greater range of products and/or services and expanding organisations into international markets. Assistance is offered to help cover the costs of undertaking new commercial projects, participation in international trade fairs, market studies, international travel, etc.


3.- Digitalisation and new markets


SODERCAN will initiate a new call specifically to promote the digitalisation process of companies and businesses in promoting sales and entering new markets. The Digitise Program aims to help companies boost their presence and visibility online, e-commerce, digital marketing and positioning of products and/or services in the market, etc.


The program will also encompass the costs of cybersecurity, an essential aspect of the digital economy given the risks to which companies, organisations and public institutions throughout the world are now exposed. It is essential that companies are prepared to deal with cyberattacks, protecting their databases and national and international sales processes.


4.- Foment inter-company cooperation for joint commercial actions


One of the objectives of the Government of Cantabria is to support and promote the strategic cooperation and voluntary alliances of companies in the region to gain competitive advantage through joint actions that facilitate the entry of their products and/or services into new national and international markets. This objective is particularly important in the wake of the COVID crisis as companies attempt to enter or re-enter markets. Inter-company cooperation can be a very valuable tool allowing companies to join forces and share costs.


SODERCAN has established the Cooperate to Grow program to encourage inter-company cooperation, creating Grouped Business Units or consortia to channel assistance in enhancing professionalism and dynamism for the national and international expansion of regional companies.


5.- Contracting Commercial Specialists


In these challenging times when the leading priority is to boost employment, SODERCAN offers assistance to incentivise companies to contract skilled professionals to support their national and international expansion strategies. The aim of the program is twofold: to enhance the professionalism and specialisation of companies while also providing employment opportunities for skilled professionals, attracting talent to the region and recovering jobs lost due to the COVID crisis.


With these aims, SODERCAN has established Program +Talent offering subsidies to support Cantabrian companies in hiring of skilled technical personnel and the conversion of temporary contracts into fixed contracts for personnel involved in developing commercial strategies and expansion into new markets.