The Cantabria Law 1/2018, of March 21, on Transparency of Public Activity, regulates the transparency of public administrations in Cantabria, both in terms of the duty to actively inform and the right of all citizens to have access to public information. The purpose of the law is to facilitate the transparency of both public institutions and private entities receiving public funding or with public participation.
Pursuant to the Law 1/2018, SODERCAN will permanently post and duly update in this section of its website all relevant information regarding its management, providing public access to the same and make effective the right of all citizens to be informed of its activities.
The creation of this section in accordance with Cantabria Law 1/2018, of March 21, on Transparency of Public Activity, supposes the start of a process that will be continuously enhanced with the continuous improvement of the quantity and quality of the information provided.