SODERCAN has implemented a Criminal Risk Management System to assess, monitor and update the principal risks of this type which may affect or come to affect company activities and personnel.


The purpose of a Criminal Risk Management System (CRMS) is to mitigate the risk of criminal activity within an organisation through a series of organisational and technical measures designed to reduce or eliminate the occurrence of actions or situations which may have legal consequences.


The specific objectives of the system are:

  • Conduct an assessment of the risks of criminal behaviour in SODERCAN according to its activities and the sectors in which it operates.
  • Establish in SODERCAN an appropriate structure to review and update the CRMS with continuous assessment of criminal risk and facilitating overhit by the organs of governance.
  • Develop internal protocols to prevent criminal activity.
  • Provide training to employees and managers in this area.
  • Provide SODERCAN with the necessary tools and systems necessary for effective compliance.