Collaboration networks

SODERCAN participation in NETWORKS



FORO ADR                                                                                         













SODERCAN presides over the Spanish Association of Regional Development Agencies (ADR), which offers a forum for debate and exchange of information among all Spanish Regional Development Agencies. The principal objective of the Association is to enhance the public services provided to companies and entrepreneurs.












SODERCAN has a cooperation agreement with the CDTI (Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial). a public business entity part of the Ministry of Science and Innovation that promotes technological development and innovation in Spanish companies. This entity channels applications for finance and support for R&D+i projects of Spanish companies at the national and international level.










Red PI+D+i offers information and consulting services for companies and entrepreneurs about the project financing and support available depending on the characteristics of their technological-business projects. Red PI+D+i encompasses all levels of public administrations and programs from local to international in all areas of innovation.


RED I+D+I                   







Red de Políticas Públicas de I+D+I is an essential instrument in the strategic coordination between the Autonomous Communities (AC) and the national government (Administración General del Estado or AGE), in order to optimise the allocation of resources and access to European funding under the best conditions within the area of Research and Development and Innovation.


Fundación COTEC                                                                      











The Fundación Cotec para la Innovación is a private, non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting innovation as an engine of economic and social development. Cotec has some 90 sponsors consisting of private companies and regional and local public administrations including SODERCAN














SODERCAN is a member of the Asociación Nacional de Centros Europeos de Empresas e Innovación (CEEI) Españoles. The ANCES network extends throughout Spain and is part of the European Business and Innovation Centre Network –EBN consisting of over 150 certified BICs and 100 organisations that offer support for the growth and development of innovative companies, start-ups and SMEs.














SODERCAN is a managing partner of the Asociación Española de Capital, Crecimiento e Inversión he ASCRI is a non-profit entity created in 1986 to represent the interests of private capital (Venture Capital & Private Equity) in Spain and includes the majority of Spanish venture capital entities bringing together the expertise and experience of the sector.


EIT Climate-KIC Spain                                                                   












SODERCAN participates with EIT Climate-KIC Spain, the Centro Español de Innovación en Cambio Climático, , a member of the European initiative EIT Climate-KIC, the largest public-private association in Europe addressing the issue of climate change seeking to create a carbon neutral economy through innovation. This is one of the eight Knowledge Innovation Communities, supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), active in 39 worldwide, with 28 offices throughout Europe.










SODERCAN is part of the Asociación de Centros Promotores de la Excelencia, dedicated to combining and coordinating the efforts of the Autonomous Communities in supporting their associates, fomenting a culture of quality, innovation and excellence in business management.













SODERCAN is a member of the Asociación para el Progreso de la Dirección.The APD is a private and independent entity dedicated to promoting the exchange of ideas, knowledge and experiences between those in management or administrative positions in private companies and public entities in order to enhance and update their skills and training for their specific roles.