SODERCAN offers a wide range of subsidies and grants to Cantabrian companies and entrepreneurs through competitive calls to promote and actively contribute to the creation of a socio-economic environment that favours investment in industrial development, innovation, competitiveness and internationalisation for greater employment and prosperity.


These subsidies and financial assistance aim to achieve the objectives of SODERCAN:


    • To cultivate entrepreneurial talent and the creation of new companies.
    • To boost the international profile, economic growth and job creation in Cantabria.
    • To encourage and facilitate the expansion of Cantabrian companies into new national and international markets, supporting internationalisation strategies that give added-value to companies.
    • To foster innovation in company processes, products and services and inter-company cooperation.
    • To support R&D+i projects and drive innovation.



Creation of Companies and Entrepreneurship


  • EMPRECAN PLUS (E+) Program
  • EMPLEA Program
  • Program for the creation and upscaling of new, innovative technology companies


Foment R&D+i


  • Automotive sector
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector
  • INVESNOVA: Technology transfer
  • The Circular Economy
  • Foment the development of sectorial clusters
  • R&D+i specialists program


New markets


  • Growth in national markets
  • Exporting and internationalisation: Export Cantabria Program
  • Digitalization and new markets
  • Foment Inter-company cooperation and the creation of commercial consortia
  • Contracting of commercial specialistsProgram +Talent 


Creation of Companies and Entrepreneurship


1.- EMPRECAN PLUS (E+) Program


The EMPRECAN PLUS program for business creation, growth and consolidation is structured into four general lines designed to provide comprehensive solutions to the needs of recently created companies during the initial stages:

  • Specialised training. Assistance aimed at stimulating and incentivising continuous training programs in areas underserved in traditional learning.
  • Registration costs. Assistance to facilitate the process for the entrepreneur to create and register their new company.
  • Start-up costs. Assistance to incentivise the first steps an entrepreneur must take in starting their business.
  • Fixed assets. Assistance to incentivise entrepreneurs to undertake investment programs in assets for the new company.


2.- EMPLEA Program


The EMPLEA Program offers subsidies to incentivise new companies to recruit employees with permanent contracts and to convert temporary contracts into permanent contracts, actively promoting the industrial development of the region, boosting competitiveness and furthering the economic growth of the Autonomous Community of Cantabria.


3.- Program for the creation and upscaling of new, innovative technology companies


This program is aimed specifically to support and encourage technological innovation and entrepreneurship based on the characteristics of the sector, such as differentiation, scalability, high added-value and highly-skilled employment.


The program for the creation and upscaling of new, innovative technology companies is focussed on innovative technology/digital companies with a high growth potential and scalable business models. The goal is to develop a model for the creation and consolidation of start-ups, including consulting services, financing and recognition.


Foment R&D+i


1.- Foment Sectorial Clusters Program


The Foment Sectorial Clusters Program offers subsidies to encourage the professionalisation of companies through the recruitment and stable employment of qualified personnel, actions to mitigate the impact of the COVID public health emergency, to dynamise and further develop the industrial base of Cantabria through business collaboration and inter-company cooperation, with the support of various actors including technology centres, research institutions, universities, etc.


2.- R&D+i for greater competitiveness


2.1.- Automotive Sector


Industry currently accounts for approximately 20% of the GDP of Cantabria, higher than the national average, of which some 26% corresponds to the automotive sector. The importance of this sector to the region economy is evident and currently faces a number of challenges including the development of electric vehicles. Thus, it is essential to establish programs to incentivise and promote the execution of R&D+i projects to help navigate the transitions taking place in the sector.


The R&D+i Assistance Program for the automotive sector is designed to encourage the undertaking of industrial and experimental R&D+i projects within the automotive industry that can facilitate the development of new propulsion systems and meet the challenges posed by emerging technologies.


 2.2.- Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Sector


The ICT sector in Cantabria is characterised by small companies intensely engaged in developing new products and services to remain competitive. According to the 2019 Report on the Information Society, Telecommunications and the ICT Sector and Contents of Autonomous Communities (Informe sobre la Sociedad de la Información y las Telecomunicaciones y el Sector TIC y los Contenidos por Comunidades Autónomas), the ICT sector in Cantabria consists of 230 companies employing 2,212 people.

We are witnessing the continuous expansion of the digital economy, e-commerce and growing digitalisation with the incorporation of digital technologies on the part of companies, citizens and public administrations. With the creation of an industrial digitalisation hub, ICT companies within Cantabria can make an essential contribution to the digitalisation of the industrial sector of the region. Given this context, public programs and instruments are essential to supporting the ICT sector.

The R&D+i Assistance Program for the ICT sector offers subsidies to incentivise R&D+i projects in the ICT sector and encourage companies to undertake industrial and experimental research for the development of new products and/or services that can boost productivity within the new context following the public health emergency.




One of the shortcomings of the R&D+i system in Cantabria is the lack of technology transfer from the sources of knowledge and innovation (universities, technology centres and research institutes) to companies in need of this knowledge. Thus, one of the areas for improvement identified by all studies and analyses of the current system, is the transfer of knowledge between the public system of R&D+i and companies.


The Technology Transfer Program (INVESNOVA) aims to encourage stable public-private cooperation in research and development by supporting joint R&D+i projects between companies, technology centres and research institutions in Cantabria. The goal of the program is to foster a culture of cooperation in technological research and development within the science-technology-business community of the region and mobilise greater participation of companies in industrial and experimental research projects.


2.4.- The Circular Economy


As part of the Waste Management Plan of the Autonomous Community of Cantabria 2017-2023, SODERCAN believes it is essential to encourage environmental research to promote the efficient use of resources and the transition towards a new business and production models. Economic development must satisfy present needs without jeopardising the capacities of future generations, ensuring a balance between economic growth, environmental responsibility and public welfare.


SODERCAN has established the Circular Economy Program to provide subsidies and assistance for industrial and experimental research projects aimed at reducing waste and improving the efficient use of the material resources of the region.


2.5.- R&D+i Specialists Program


SODERCAN believes it is essential to further the incorporation of specialised R&D+i specialists in regional industries, as their skills are a key asset for economic growth and competitiveness. The high proportion of STEM graduates from Spanish universities is one of the strengths of Spain in both developing and adopting new technologies. Nevertheless, the incorporation of skilled technical personnel into regional industries remains an important challenge.


Thus, the goal of the R&D+i Specialists Program is to provide subsidies to support the hiring and stable employment of qualified technical personnel in Cantabrian companies as well as the conversion of temporary contracts into permanent contracts for personnel engaged in industrial R&D+i projects, the preliminary work related to analysing the viability of projects, the opening of new lines of industrial research and/or experimental research oriented towards the development of new or improved products, processes and/or services.


New markets


1.- Growth in national markets


For many companies, particularly SMEs, entering new markets involves significant changes in the way they operate in many areas of the organisation, overcoming a number of new obstacles and taking on a series of risks for which they may not be fully prepared. These challenges have only intensified with the COVID crisis. Through the Growth in national markets program, SODERCAN offers support to companies in accessing new national markets, providing financial assistance for the costs involved in product certifications, the search for new clients, participating in trade fairs, etc.


2.- Exporting and internationalisation: Export Cantabria Program


SODERCAN will initiate a new round of subsidies and financial support to help Cantabrian companies access or re-enter new international markets and search for new clients and suppliers. Internationalisation is fundamental to boosting the competitiveness of our economy, ensuing the survival of regional industries and promoting growth by offering a greater range of products and/or services and expanding organisations into international markets. Assistance is offered to help cover the costs of undertaking new commercial projects, participation in international trade fairs, market studies, international travel, etc.


3.- Digitalisation and new markets


SODERCAN will initiate a new call specifically to promote the digitalisation process of companies and businesses in promoting sales and entering new markets. The Digitise Program aims to help companies boost their presence and visibility online, e-commerce, digital marketing and positioning of products and/or services in the market, etc.

The program will also encompass the costs of cybersecurity, an essential aspect of the digital economy given the risks to which companies, organisations and public institutions throughout the world are now exposed. It is essential that companies are prepared to deal with cyberattacks, protecting their databases and national and international sales processes.


4.- Foment inter-company cooperation for joint commercial actions


One of the objectives of the Government of Cantabria is to support and promote the strategic cooperation and voluntary alliances of companies in the region to gain competitive advantage through joint actions that facilitate the entry of their products and/or services into new national and international markets. This objective is particularly important in the wake of the COVID crisis as companies attempt to enter or re-enter markets. Inter-company cooperation can be a very valuable tool allowing companies to join forces and share costs.

SODERCAN has established the Cooperate to Grow program to encourage inter-company cooperation, creating Grouped Business Units or consortia to channel assistance in enhancing professionalism and dynamism for the national and international expansion of regional companies.


5.- Contracting Commercial Specialists


In these challenging times when the leading priority is to boost employment, SODERCAN offers assistance to incentivise companies to contract skilled professionals to support their national and international expansion strategies. The aim of the program is twofold: to enhance the professionalism and specialisation of companies while also providing employment opportunities for skilled professionals, attracting talent to the region and recovering jobs lost due to the COVID crisis.

With these aims, SODERCAN has established Program +Talent offering subsidies to support Cantabrian companies in hiring of skilled technical personnel and the conversion of temporary contracts into permanent contracts for personnel involved in developing commercial strategies and expansion into new markets.