Foment R + D



Foment sectorial clusters


The program to foment sectorial clusters offers subsidies to encourage the professionalisation of companies through the recruitment and stable employment of qualified personnel, actions to mitigate the impact of the COVID public health emergency, to dynamise and further develop the industrial base of Cantabria through business collaboration and inter-company cooperation, with the support of various actors including technology centres, research institutions, universities, etc.




R&D for greater competitiveness



Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) sector


The Cantabrian ICT sector is characterised by a large number of small companies. This is an intensive sector wherethe development of new products and services is essential to remaining competitive. According to the Report on the Information Society. Telecommunications and the ICT Sector and Content for Autonomous Communities (Ed. 2019), in Cantabria some 2,212 people are employed in 230 companies in the ICT sector.


Additionally, in a context of constant expansion of the digital economy and the growing digitalisation and use of new digital technologies by companies, citizens and the public administration, the Cantabria ICT sector is called upon to contribute to these processes. The creation of a HUB of industrial digitalisation demands that an essential factor in this process, companies within the ICT sector, are able to actively contribute to the digitalisation of our business sector. Given these realities, it is necessary to develop effective programs and instruments which support the ICT sector.


The goal of the R&D subsidies program for the ICT sector is to incentivise industrial or experimental R&D projects within companies of the sector leading to the development of products and/or services that can improve the productivity of the region within a new and ever-changing environment in the wake of the Covid crisis.





One of the shortcomings of the R&D+i system in Cantabria is the lack of technology transfer from the sources of knowledge and innovation (universities, technology centres and research institutes) to companies in need of this knowledge. Thus, one of the areas for improvement identified by all studies and analyses of the current system, is the transfer of knowledge between the public system of R&D+i and companies.


The Technology Transfer Program (INVESNOVA) aims to encourage stable public-private cooperation in research and development by supporting joint R&D+i projects between companies, technology centres and research institutions in Cantabria. The goal of the program is to foster a culture of cooperation in technological research and
development within the science-technology-business community of the region and mobilise greater participation ofcompanies in industrial and experimental research projects.



Foment the circular economy


As part of the Waste Management Plan of the Autonomous Community of Cantabria 2017-2023, SODERCAN has made it a priority to foment environmental research into the efficient use of natural resources and the transition to a new productive model. Economic development must meet the demands of the present without compromising the opportunities of future generations, ensuring a balance between economic growth, environmental responsibility and social wellbeing.


SODERCAN proposes a Program to Foment the Circular Economy through the concession of subsidies for industrial and experimental research, development and innovation projects aiming to reduce the generation of waste and the more efficient use of the natural resources of the region.



R&D Specialists program


SODERCAN considers the incorporation of technical personnel specialised in R&D into the job market is a priority, believing that a highly qualified workforce is a key asset for economic growth and competitiveness of the region. The high number of Spanish university graduates in STEM is one of the core strengths of the country in the development and implementation of new technologies. However, the incorporation of these graduates in companies to deploy their skills remains a challenge.


Thus, the goal of the R&D Specialists Program is to provide subsidies to support the hiring and stable employment of qualified technical personnel in Cantabrian companies as well as the conversion of temporary contracts into permanent contracts for personnel engaged in industrial R&D projects, the preliminary work related to analysing the viability of projects, the opening of new lines of industrial research and/or experimental research oriented towards the development of new or improved products, processes and/or services.